
For anyone looking to establish healthier habits and feel more confident in their own skin, Jennifer Oves Coaching will provide you with the knowledge and guidance to help you succeed beyond quick fixes and create habits that will last. At Jennifer Oves Coaching we believe in balance and understand that “life happens”, therefore we build our programs around you, your lifestyle, goals and abilities in a safe and systematic way.

Furthermore, by being in close contact with many fitness experts around the globe, attending fitness summits and ongoing education, Jennifer Oves Coaching, is always up to date to deliver the best service.

Functional Performance

Discover the joy of lifting, learning, and having a blast! 
I believe in catering to all fitness levels, ensuring everyone finds their strength, move with ease, boosts confidence and ultimately is their best self. But that's not all, with me, you will "lift and learn", meaning you will also gain valuable knowledge about fitness.

Online Coaching

Everyone is unique and so are their needs, thats why we offer two different ways of working with us: self-guided or 1:1 coaching. For both options after completing the inquiry form, we will schedule a 30min call to cover some details such as goals, lifestyle, biofeedback, fitness etc. Then,based on the information we receive we will create a personalized fitness and/or nutrition program. The difference between the self-guided and 1:1 coaching options purely relies on the "support" received. For further details, keep reading!

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Fitness Programs

My monthly programs, are specifically designed to help you build strength, boost confidence, move with ease, feel empowered, and ultimately be your best self. 



Personal Training



Nutritional Habits

Embrace the power of healthy habits and savor every bite! Focusing on both, the dietary aspect and the habitual behavior surrounding food choices and eating patterns.I will guide you on developing and maintaining healthy nutrition habits to support long-term wellness and overall health by making sure you love your food and nourish your body while also enhancing your training performance.

Let’s create a balanced and joyful relationship with food together!

Personal Training

My goal as a personal trainer is to teach people how to move properly, feel good and help them achieve their goal(s). Understanding that everyone is different and so are their needs, is key. Therefore, I build all my training programs around my clients lifestyle,goals and abilities with exercises that are dynamic, powerful and purposeful. My training style is a fusion of the TRX suspension trainer and functional training tools, combining strength and conditioning.

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1:1 or Duo Training

Stay accountable with a full plan tailored to your exercise preferences, schedule and fitness goals.


Small Group

If you are struggling to stick to your exercise commitments or you simply enjoy working out more with friends, then small group training is a great solution for you. By training in a small group setting, you benefit from personal attention and help in defining your goals.

enquire to work with me today

Enquiry Form

About Me

Hello, I'm Jennifer. I am a fully certified NASM personal trainer and nutrition coach, I also hold TRX qualifications in: Sports and Medicine, Functional Training, Advance group training course and Level 2 certification in Cross-fit. I am specialized in helping people with weight-loss, getting stronger and feeling more energized with a strong focus in educating them towards a healthier lifestyle.

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About Me

Hello, Im Jennifer! A NASM certified personal trainer and nutrition coach, holding as well several TRX qualifications such as the Sports and Medicine course and the CrossFit Level 1certification. I am specilized in helping people with weight-loss, getting stronger and feeling more energized with the main focus on educating them on how to build a healthy lifestyle.

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Caroline Jane-Ivana Fornhoff

"Jennifer Oves is your go to if you are looking for a motivated trainer who helps setting your goals and will work with you toward reaching them. What I admire is her will to keep on learning as every couple of months there is a new training or course she is taking to keep on improving. I've trained with Jenny for about a year and she became my motivation and friend. Therefore I can highly recommend Jenny"

Valeria Bote Coca

"There are no magi blabla and super fast results, just passion and determination. Jenny will get you there! and most importantly: she will make you love working out and to discover how strong you can be! It is not only about looks, it will help every aspect of your life. That is my experience. You will enjoy it, you will feel amazing in every way."

Piete Bone

"My first meeting with Jenny was great. What a wonderful, upbeat, understanding, patient individual she is. But I also quickly learned she is a skilled, experienced and passionate coach. With Jennys encouragement and guidance, I was able to become familiar with the TRX and started to push my own limits. And with that came results!"


"Wat een fijne les! Jennifer geeft een uitdagende workout met focus op de juiste uitvoering van de oefeningen om blessures te voorkomen en voor een optimal resultaat. Ik had nog nooit TRX gedaan, maar ga zeker vaker hierna."

Laura Joosten

"Jenny geeft goede en effectieve lessen waarin veel variatie zit. Hierdoor verveelt een les nooit en is de drempel om naar de les te gaan heel laag. Ook geeft zij goede tips om de oefeningen op de juiste manier te verrichten en kijkt ze naar je persoonlijke situatie zodat je zoveel mogelijk uit jezelf kunt halen. Ik ben erg blij dat ik haar heb ontmoet!"

Esther Otte

"Fantastishe TRX work-out met Jennifer! Het was de eerste keere voor mij en ik ben nu al fan! Top uitleg en Jennifer corrigeert waarnodig, Dit smaakt naar meer! "


"Een fijne workout en stretch tegelijk! ik streek hiermee spieren waar ik zelf met yoga niet goed bij kan, en voel me na de workout soepeler. Jennifer is een zeer proffessionele trainer en helpt mij de oefeningen goed uit te voeren"

Let's connect

Please get in touch for any questions you might have, feel free to reach out via the form below or directly via email.

E: jenniferoves.pt@gmail.com